Please tell me how to get the store value in pop ups in the map after hovering. Here in the output , based on the condition, dots display.I want to display store number in pop ups on dots in map. Whenever I change the query, color condition fails.My query is working fine but not showing the store value in pop ups on dots in map.Below is the query.
| inputlookup store_data_api.csv
| rename store_number as store
| eval storeStatus = "1"
| join type=left store
| search index="mon_prod" device="pos" ( (process="cpu_metrics") OR (process="mem_metrics") OR (process="top_process_metrics") OR (process="disk_usage_metrics" disk_mount_point="/" ) )
| stats avg(cpu_total) as cpu_avg, latest(process_mem) as process_mem, latest(disk_used) as disk_used, latest(disk_available) as disk_available, latest(memtotal) as memtotal, latest(memfree) as memfree count by deviceid, device, store
| eval disk_percent = ((disk_used/(disk_available+disk_used))*100)
| eval mem_percent = (((memtotal-memfree)/memtotal)*100)
| eval status = case(
((cpu_avg >=95) OR (disk_percent >=90) OR (mem_percent >=98) OR (process_mem >1)),"3000",
((cpu_avg < 95 and cpu_avg >90) OR (disk_percent <90 and disk_percent >=70) OR (mem_percent < 98 and mem_percent >=94 ) OR (process_mem =1)),"2000" ,
((cpu_avg <90 and cpu_avg >= 0) OR (disk_percent < 70) OR (mem_percent < 94 ) OR (process_mem <1)),"1000"
| table _time,store,deviceid,device,process,cpu_avg,disk_percent,mem_percent,process_mem,status,disk_mount_point
| stats count by store status
| stats max(status) by store
| rename max(status) as storeStatusPOS
| join type=left store
| search index="mon_prod" device="boh" store="*" ( (process="cpu_metrics") OR (process="mem_metrics") OR (process="top_process_metrics") OR (process="disk_usage_metrics" (disk_mount_point="/" OR disk_mount_point="/appl" OR disk_mount_point="/var/lib/postgresql/9.3/main")) )
| stats latest(disk_used) as disk_used, latest(disk_available) as disk_available count by deviceid, device, store, disk_mount_point
| eval disk_percent = ((disk_used/(disk_available+disk_used))*100)
|lookup devicememvalues.csv deviceid outputnew mem_percent cpu_avg process_mem
| eval disk_mount_point=if(disk_mount_point="/","root",disk_mount_point)
| eval status1 =
if(disk_mount_point="root", case(((cpu_avg >90) OR ( disk_percent >90) OR (mem_percent >98) OR (process_mem >1)),"3000"),"0")
| eval status2=
if(disk_mount_point="/appl", case(((cpu_avg >90 and cpu_avg >70) OR (disk_percent >88) OR (mem_percent >98) OR (process_mem >1)),"3000") ,"0")
| eval status3=
if(disk_mount_point="/var/lib/postgresql/9.3/main",case(((cpu_avg >90) OR (disk_percent >85) OR (mem_percent >98) OR (process_mem >1)),"3000"),"0")
| eval status4 =
if(disk_mount_point="root", case(((cpu_avg < 90 and cpu_avg >70) OR ( disk_percent >70 and disk_percent <90 ) OR (mem_percent < 98 and mem_percent >94 ) OR (process_mem =1)),"2000"),"0")
| eval status5=
if(disk_mount_point="/appl", case(((cpu_avg < 90 and cpu_avg >70) OR (disk_percent <88 and disk_percent >75) OR (mem_percent < 98 and mem_percent >94 ) OR (process_mem =1)),"2000") ,"0")
| eval status6=
if(disk_mount_point="/var/lib/postgresql/9.3/main",case(((cpu_avg < 90 and cpu_avg >70) OR (disk_percent <85 and disk_percent >70) OR (mem_percent < 98 and mem_percent >94 ) OR (process_mem =1)),"2000"),"0")
| eval status7 =
if(disk_mount_point="root", case(((cpu_avg <70 and cpu_avg >= 0) OR ( disk_percent <70) OR (mem_percent <94 and mem_percent >=0 ) OR (process_mem <1)),"1000"),"0")
| eval status8=
if(disk_mount_point="/appl", case(((cpu_avg <70 and cpu_avg >= 0) OR (disk_percent <75) OR (mem_percent <94 and mem_percent >=0 ) OR (process_mem <1)),"1000") ,"0")
| eval status9=
if(disk_mount_point="/var/lib/postgresql/9.3/main",case(((cpu_avg <70 and cpu_avg >= 0) OR (disk_percent < 70) OR (mem_percent <94 and mem_percent >=0 ) OR (process_mem <1)),"1000"),"0") | fillnull value=1
| eval status=status1." ".status2." ".status3." ".status4." ".status5." ".status6." ".status7." ".status8." ".status9
| rex field=status "(?<status>\d{4})"| stats values(status) as status by deviceid,store
| eval status = case(status="3000","3000",status="2000","2000",status="1000","1000")
| table _time,store,deviceid,device,process,cpu_avg,disk_percent,mem_percent,process_mem,status,disk_mount_point
| stats count by store status
| stats max(status) by store
| rename max(status) as storeStatusBOH
| table latitude,longitude,storeStatusPOS,storeStatusBOH,store
| eval phStore= "PH"+ store
| eval PP=store
| eval storeStatus=if(storeStatusPOS>storeStatusBOH,storeStatusPOS,storeStatusBOH)
| fillnull value=1 storeStatus
| geostats latfield=latitude longfield=longitude values(phStore) sum(storeStatus) as Total
| eval redCount = if(Total>= 3000,Total, 0)
| eval yellowCount = if(Total<3000 and Total>=2000,Total, 0)
| eval greenCount = if( Total <2000 and Total>=1000,Total,0)
| eval greyCount = if( Total < 1000,Total,0)
| fields - Total,store
If you want the store to show as a hover (tooltip) then you'll need to |eval tooltip=store
and make sure tooltip
is in your final | table
If you want store to show as a popup when you click the marker you'll need to | eval description=store
and make sure description
is in your final | table
If you want both, | eval tooltip=store, description=store | table latitude, longitude, tooltip, description
Any Idea , please help