I have a search:
index=_internal host=licenseManager type=Usage earliest=-5d st!=splunk_metrics | rename st AS sourcetype | timechart span=1d sum(eval(b/1024/1024/1024)) AS GB by sourcetype | addtotals
This gives me a nice table over the past 5 days on license usage per sourcetype. I also get the total usage so I have some idea on our total license usage.
This search takes a while to run. I would like to have a summary index that runs once a day so that I can generate a report once a day that looks back lets say the past 30 days.
For the scheduled search I have:
index=_internal host=licenseManager type=Usage earliest=-2d@d latest=-1d@d st!=splunk_metrics | rename st AS sourcetype | stats sum(eval(b/1024/1024/1024)) AS GB
Scheduled to run at 1am.
alert condition = always
add fields:
index = summary
report = License_Usage_Report
(we are running Splunk 4.2.5 in case this matters)
Thanks for any help.
I did figure out my summary indexing for the license info.
Scheduled search which runs at 1am and puts the data in a summary index named summary_admin:
index=_internal host=licenseManagerHostName earliest=-1d@d latest=@d type=Usage st!=splunk_metrics | rename st AS sourcetype | stats sum(eval(b/1024/1024/1024)) AS GB by sourcetype
The query I use to display the information:
index=summary_admin earliest=-30d | timechart useother="f" span=1d max(GB) by orig_sourcetype | addtotals
Since I specify earliest and latest in the scheduled search backfilling didn't quite work like I would have liked so I manually ran the searches using the command:
index=_internal host=licenseManagerHostName earliest=-1d@d latest=@d type=Usage st!=splunk_metrics | rename st AS sourcetype | stats sum(eval(b/1024/1024/1024)) AS GB by sourcetype | collect index=summary_admin
I changed earliest and latest to go back as far as I wanted so:
earliest=-2d@d latest=-1d@d
earliest=-3d@d latest=-2d@d
and so forth...
Hope it helps someone.
Hello, I would suggest contacting Splunk support to answer this question. They would be able to answer it far better than I could.