We have around 10 hosts with similar APIs i.e 20. something like below.
based on these set of 20 apis and 10 devices I need a querry which can give me stats for the individual apis irrespective of devices something like below.
/api/v1/device//authentication/ 10
/api/v1/device//provisioning/ 20
/api/v1/device/* 12
You can use the regular expression for extracting devices
and apis
from URL and use stats
command to get the desired output.
try this rex command for extracting.
| rex field=_raw "\/api\/v1\/device\/(?<device>[^\/]+)(\/(?<api>[^\/]+))?"
Then after you can use stats
For distinct devices : | stats dc(device) as devices
For count by api: | stats count by api
Use this sample search:
|makeresults | eval _raw="
"| multikv | rex field=_raw "\/api\/v1\/device\/(?[^\/]+)(\/(?[^\/]+))?" | stats dc(device) as devices