I'm using Microsoft Azure Add-on for Splunk 3.1.0 and I've the following error message when I try to get billing and consumption input:
2021-02-15 14:35:00,733 ERROR pid=65719 tid=MainThread file=base_modinput.py:log_error:309 | Get error when collecting events. Traceback (most recent call last): File "/opt/splunk/etc/apps/TA-MS-AAD/bin/ta_ms_aad/aob_py3/modinput_wrapper/base_modinput.py", line 128, in stream_events self.collect_events(ew) File "/opt/splunk/etc/apps/TA-MS-AAD/bin/azure_consumption.py", line 92, in collect_events input_module.collect_events(self, ew) File "/opt/splunk/etc/apps/TA-MS-AAD/bin/input_module_azure_consumption.py", line 154, in collect_events if len(value) > 0: UnboundLocalError: local variable 'value' referenced before assignment
It is a known issue ?