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Leading Pipe Search and forms

Path Finder

I know that saved search macros have difficulties with leading pipes but what about forms? The reason I ask is I am attempting to create a form and I am finding it doesn't work.

Here is my form XML

  <label>AD Search</label>
  <searchTemplate><![CDATA[ |ldapsearch domain=AD search="(&(objectClass=user)(sAMAccountName=$username$))" | table sAMAccountName,personalTitle,displayName,givenName,sn,suffix,mail,telephoneNumber,mobile,manager,priority,department,category,watchlist,whenCreated,endDate]]>
      <input type="text" token="username" />
            <option name="count">50</option>

Splunk Employee
Splunk Employee

Firstly, remove the space from the beginning of the search. Secondly, you have not specified an earliest and latest - even though the search does not care what these are, they still need to be present. The search will not be dispatches without them.

Path Finder

Anyone get an answer to this pipe question? It is also dropping for me as part of a form search

0 Karma

Splunk Employee
Splunk Employee

What version of Splunk are you using?

I'm also having an issue with v5.0.1 Simple XML - it doesn't like spaces at the beginning of the pipeline, so you may want to try removing that space at the start of your searchTemplate block.

0 Karma


That's pretty important for the rest of us to know!

0 Karma

Path Finder
0 Karma


Have you written a custom command named ldapsearch? If so, it's probably something about the settings for that command.

If you haven't, then you shouldn't be starting your searchTemplate string with a |

0 Karma
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