I followed the jenkens config steps recommended here:
Events show up If I search
But jenkens app in splunk shows "No results found"
Splunk version: 7.1
Jenkens App version: 1.0.7
The Splunk App for Jenkins uses 3 default indexes called jenkins_statistics, jenkins_slaves and jenkins_console IIRC.
You should see them in your list of indexes.
Make sure your collector has permissions to push there (or find out how to tell the Splunk App from which indexes to read)
hi @ninja_ops,
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Thanks for posting!
in many cases, apps with visualizations relay only on sourcetypes as filters.
try to open one of the panels in search by clicking the magnifying glass icon on the bottom right corner.
inspect the search and see if it indicates an index.
if it does, maybe its not the location where the data resides. if it doesnt, it probably means you role does not search the jenkens
index by default.
you can fix it by setting it under your role.
click settings (top right corner) -> Access Controls -> Roles -> pick your role -> scroll down all the way (one before last item) -> observe the "indexes searched by default" settings -> add the relevant index name by clicking it -> click save -> click dashboard and see if its populate.
hope it helps