I'm receiving bunch of errors in the splunkd.log referring to JMS Messaging Modular Input (jms_ta) but I updated the add-on but some reason the jms_ta has stopped polling the logs from the queue which we are supposed to get in the old add-on. So I degraded the add-on to the old version.
ex errors:-
04-20-2017 10:01:58.488 -0500 ERROR Regex - Failed in pcre_exec: Error PCRE_ERROR_MATCHLIMIT for regex: (?im).*
04-20-2017 10:01:58.957 -0500 ERROR Regex - Failed in pcre_exec: Error PCRE_ERROR_MATCHLIMIT for regex: (?im).*
04-20-2017 10:01:59.733 -0500 ERROR Regex - Failed in pcre_exec: Error PCRE_ERROR_MATCHLIMIT for regex: (?im).*
04-20-2017 10:02:00.179 -0500 ERROR Regex - Failed in pcre_exec: Error PCRE_ERROR_MATCHLIMIT for regex: (?im).*
Can you please help me
@Damien Dallimore please find the below conf files in my system:-
connection_host = dns
index = network
sourcetype = cisco_udp
disabled = 0
And I dont have any transforms file.
Please review and find me a solution for this.
Can you throughly describe you setup and confguration ? props.conf , transforms.conf , inputs.conf etc.....