We recently installed the Opentelemetry collector for kubernetes in a cluster (https://docs.splunk.com/Observability/gdi/opentelemetry/install-k8s.html), and I see the logs coming into Splunk. I am curious if there is an app that I can install to better format the logs. I can put something together on my own, but if there's something pre-built, I would rather save the time and use that. I did search through the apps, but I only saw some product specific ones (eg. stackrox, outcold, sysdig), but nothing for the opentelemetry collector. One annoyance in particular I'm looking to clean up is the time stamps are way off (UTC vs local translation issue is my guess.)
i feel open telemetry is kind of new area and not much are using it, as per my knowledge. so we got not many choices of apps.
on splunkbase when i search opentelemetry, there are only two matches:
may be you should try to use them and then customize these apps as required by your requirements (and maybe you can update that app back at the splunkbase as well)
I had seen those, and from what I understand they're both just the installs on the endpoint, not necessarily for organizing the ingested data. Thank you for the links, I do appreciate it. We used the Splunk OpenTelemetry Collector for Kubernetes on the clusters.