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Is it possible to generate an output file every millisecond or microsecond using the Eventgen app?



I am using these configurations:

interval = 5
earliest = -60m
latest = now
mode = sample

outputMode = file
fileName = C:\Program Files\Splunk\SPLUNK/var/log/splunk/customerTransaction.log

It's generating the log file every 5 seconds. Just wanted to know if it is possible to generate the file every milli or microsecond.
I have tried interval = .001, but then it takes 60 seconds by default. Can we go below 1 second? If anyone has tried it, please let me know how to configure this. Thanks in advance.

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Splunk Employee
Splunk Employee

I think that is not possible with Eventgen.

Here is what I did to generate events like they would appear in reality:

  • created a CSV file containing real events (e.g. by searching for events already in Splunk, reordering and then exporting to CSV) with colums "_time", "_raw", "host", "index", "sourcetype"
  • created a modular input like described here:
  • at the bottom you find the implementation of my replay script
  • configured an input of that modular input and point it to the CSV file you created

The script replays / regenerates events like they appeared in time before by making sure the time span between events is the same but the time of each generated event is set to "now".

import sys
import os
import csv
import datetime
import time
from splunklib.modularinput import *

class Replay(Script):
 def get_scheme(self):
  scheme = Scheme("CSV Replay")
  scheme.description = "Replay events in CSV file using the current timestamp"
  scheme.use_external_validation = True
  scheme.use_single_instance = False
  path_argument = Argument("path")
  path_argument.data_type = Argument.data_type_string
  path_argument.description = "Path to the file containing the samples."
  path_argument.required_on_create = True
  return scheme
 def validate_input(self, validation_definition):
  path = validation_definition.parameters["path"]
  if not os.path.isfile(path):
   raise ValueError("File at path '%s' does not exist."%path)
 def stream_events(self, inputs, ew):
  for input_name, input_item in inputs.inputs.iteritems():
   path = input_item["path"]
   last_summary_time = time.time()
   generated_events_since_last_summary = 0
   ew.log("INFO","start generating events")
   while True:
    ew.log("INFO","begin reading from file %s" % path)
    with open(path, 'r') as f:
     reader = csv.DictReader(f)
     last_event_time = None
     last_event_yield_time = None
     for row in reader:
      # 2014-05-01 08:00:00.000 CEST
      event_time = datetime.datetime.strptime(row["_time"], "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f %Z")
      if last_event_time is None:
       last_event_time = event_time
      event_time_difference = (event_time - last_event_time).total_seconds()
      now = time.time()
      if last_event_yield_time is None:
       last_event_yield_time = now
      event_yield_time = last_event_yield_time + event_time_difference
      yield_time_difference = max(event_yield_time - now,0.0)
      #ew.log("INFO","event_time_difference=%.3f event_time=%s yield_time_difference=%.3f" % (event_time_difference,event_time,yield_time_difference))
      last_event_yield_time = now = time.time()
      last_event_time = event_time
      event = Event()
      event.stanza = input_name = row["_raw"].strip()
      event.time = "%.3f" % now  = row["host"]
      event.index = row["index"]
      event.source = "data_replay" #row["source"]
      event.sourceType = row["sourcetype"]
      generated_events_since_last_summary = generated_events_since_last_summary + 1
      seconds_since_last_summery = now - last_summary_time
      if seconds_since_last_summery >= 60:
       ew.log("INFO","generated %s events since %s seconds" % (generated_events_since_last_summary, seconds_since_last_summery))
       last_summary_time = now
       generated_events_since_last_summary = 0
     ew.log("INFO","reached end of file %s" % (path))

if __name__ == "__main__":
0 Karma
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