I know Server 2016 is not technically supported yet, but is anyone running it currently? Have you run into any problems?
I have it installed on my personal 2016 server and 2 DCs with the current 4.8.4 TA and haven't seen any issues.
Something specific you're looking for?
My windows admins don't want to allow Splunk to grab AD data unless they know of someone else using Server 2016 with no issues, and I couldn't find anything else online, so I figured I would ask here.
My "production" environment is just my family and a few close friends using some LDAP-authenticated services and their VMs which run on a small VMWare host.
We'll try it. Worst case scenario we just kill the add-on, haha
It's the same TA at the moment that uses the same Powershell scripts as the 2012R2 version.