I installed this app on my splunk server, I've enabled the app but I can't find documentation on what to do next for this app. My unix host behind it don't show up under host in this app. Do I need another app installed on my unix servers to make this work?
As @ChrisG says, you can reference the documentation to find out what to do after installing the app. The quickest path to getting data in is to:
Even more reading:
* Install the Splunk App for Unix and Linux in a distributed environment
Hope this helps.
The documentation is here: http://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/UnixApp/5.0.1/User/AbouttheSplunkAppforUnix . Perhaps you have not installed the add-on? See What a Splunk App for Unix and Linux deployment looks like in the docs.
I've got Splunk Add-on for *Nix and Splunk App for Unix installed on my splunk. If I'm missing something help me out.
Have you configured the inputs on the Splunk Add-on for *nix? You can do so from right within Splunk Web. Just activate the add-on from the Apps page.