Hi @alacercogitatus and everyone,
Can I ask a question for 「Input Add-On for G Suite」App ?
When I use 「Input Add-On for G Suite」 for collecting Google Drive log to Splunk, the error happened and input stopped.
・Which version that I used, error always have.
・The error always happen after 24 hours of Credential created.
Once I created new credential, the input can input google drive data normally, when 24 hours past the error will happen and input will stop.
・token refresh error in Splunk 7.3 + Input Add-On for G Suite 1.3.1
{"log_level": "ERROR", "timestamp": "Sun, 20 Jun 2021 03:09:38 +0000", "errors": [{"filename": "GoogleAppsForSplunkModularInput.py", "msg": "invalid_grant: reauth related error (invalid_rapt)", "input_name": "ga://Google_Drive_Input_1", "line": 416, "exception_arguments": "invalid_grant: reauth related error (invalid_rapt)", "exception_type": "HttpAccessTokenRefreshError"}], "modular_input_consumption_time": "Sun, 20 Jun 2021 03:09:38 +0000"}
・token refresh error in Splunk 8.1 + Input Add-On for G Suite 1.4.2
{"timestamp": "Mon, 21 Jun 2021 04:39:34 +0000", "log_level": "ERROR", "errors": [{"msg": "('invalid_grant: reauth related error (invalid_rapt)', '{\\n \"error\": \"invalid_grant\",\\n \"error_description\": \"reauth related error (invalid_rapt)\",\\n \"error_subtype\": \"invalid_rapt\"\\n}')", "exception_type": "<class 'google.auth.exceptions.RefreshError'>", "exception_arguments": "('invalid_grant: reauth related error (invalid_rapt)', '{\\n \"error\": \"invalid_grant\",\\n \"error_description\": \"reauth related error (invalid_rapt)\",\\n \"error_subtype\": \"invalid_rapt\"\\n}')", "filename": "GoogleAppsForSplunkModularInput.py", "line": 490, "input_name": "ga://Google_Drive_Input_1"}], "modular_input_consumption_time": "Mon, 21 Jun 2021 04:39:34 +0000"}
What's happened and how to solve it ?
Thanks a lot.