I'm using Splunk ITSI, viewing its Episode Review.
When an episode is opened, the episode list is compressed on the left side, and the opened episode displayed on the right side. When this occurs, In the episode list, a count is added in the left side of that pane. It displays the number of Notable Events within each episode, unless that amount exceeds 99, in which case it shows "100+".
When an episode is not opened, the count is only displayed if that field is included in those selected for display, but again, if the value exceeds 99, displays "100+".
If the count is selected for display in the episode list, AND an episode is opened, THEN in the compressed episode list in the left pane, the count is added on the left side of the pane as before, but the selected count field still displays as well, AND the selected count field NOW displays the actual count values even if they exceed 99. HOW can I get the actual values exceeding 99 to display when no episode is open?