06-27-2018 14:44:28.735 ERROR KVStoreLookup - KV Store output failed with err: The provided key is not valid. (key=_key value=[ "5afb63639a7cee09292791d3", "5b11aeb037c765894b0748f5" ]) message:
06-27-2018 14:44:28.735 ERROR SearchResults - An error occurred while saving to the KV Store. Look at search.log for more information.
06-27-2018 14:44:28.735 ERROR outputcsv - sid:1530128169.1374_09FB9993-9C9F-415E-A0D9-1660649738C5 Could not append to collection 'meta_woot': An error occurred while saving to the KV Store. Look at search.log for more information..
Are you using the latest version of Meta Woot ? If not, then please upgrade.
You can probably fix the issue by doing something like
| inputlookup meta_woot | dedup _key | outputlookup meta_woot