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How you can send Fire-eye data using HEC methood

Path Finder

Hello Splunkers,

Im posting this answers here since lack of documentation from splunk side to get fire-eye data using HEC method.

Step1 - Generate HEC token in your splunk side as normal way and select index and sourcetype etc..

Step2 - Go fire-eye console and use below settings to update
a. Under Appliance Settings > Notifications > HTTP, configure a new HTTP Server as follows..

 URL: https:///services/collector/raw
 Auth: True
 Username: x
 Password: Splunk token generated in Step 1
 SSL Enable: True
Test the Integration
Run a test on an endpoint that would trigger an XPLT, EXC or PRS alert
Alternatively, you can also test with the following curl command:
curl -k -u "x:" https://10.xx.250.12:8088/services/collector/raw -d '{"event":"Basic Auth!"}'

I hope this answer will help other splunkers on fire-eye data issues through HEC method.

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