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How to write the query for Splunk license usage report for one years.


Hi Team,

Could you please provide the search query to see to get the Splunk license usage report for last 6 month.


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is there any other way to get the license usage report in splunk?

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thanks for quick replay mirkoneverstops and dkeck,
I can able to get the license usage report for last 30days and my _internal index retention period is 1 month due to this i'm not able to pull splunk license report for last 6 month. could you please provide the alternate way to pull the license report for last 6 month.

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Path Finder

I'm sorry but if _internal index retention period is 1 month there is no way to get last 6 months license usage.
License usage stats is written in _internal index so all events older than 1 month are lost.

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Path Finder

I'd suggest to use:
- a summary index (let's call it summary_internal or summary_adm) with 50 or more years time retention.
- a scheduled search which runs every night and collect license usage data into previously created summary index
The search SPL could be something like:

Daily Usage:
index=_internal earliest=@d latest=now source=license_usage.log type=RolloverSummary b>0|eval mytime=_time-86400|convert timeformat="%Y%m%d" ctime(mytime) AS real_date_ymd|stats latest(b) AS used_bytes latest(stacksz) AS stack_size by slave, pool, _time,real_date_ymd|eval metric_name="whateveryoulike"|collect index=mynewsummaryindex
*: this should be executed at least 5 minutes past midnight.

This approach has many advantages:
- You can decrease time retention of index _internal which contains license usage stats
- Searches on summary index are much faster

Let me know if you need additional details.

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