The latest version of the Splunk Add-on for AWS has changed the JSON for the "AWS Description" ingest; see examples below. My question is about selecting values from this new 'type' of array.
Before, you could select particular values with the following search syntax:
tags.Name = "server1"
1. How do I make the same search with the newer JSON?
2. What is the technical description for these 2 different forms of arrays?
tags: { [-]
Environment: test
Name: server1
Tags: [ [-]
{ [-]
Key: Environment
Value: test
{ [-]
Key: Name
Value: server1
ok, so I think I've partially answered my question:
FYI - the official Splunk doc re MV arrays only has examples where you pick the values by position-ID, e.g. [0], rather than by associated 'Key'
I found the following StackOverflow discussion which seemed to answer this exact issue ... except that I can't get the 'mvzip' command to accept the Tags{}.Name multi-value?
Their solution was basically a hack where you combine the 'name' and 'value' arrays, then filter for your target key, and finally re-extract the target value. For the AWS Description Metadata JSON, I'm trying the following -- except that it returns the error, "arguments to mvzip function are invalid"
| eval combined = mvzip( "Tags{}.Key", "Tags{}.Value" )
P.S. I tried the Tags{}.Key both with and without double-quotes around it ...
FYI - still replying to my own question ...
I would still like to know how to specify an individual Key/Value pair but I finally found another posting which showed me how to accomplish my real objection -- extracting the 'Name' fields. (I use the IP/Name info to label my VPC Flowlogs.)
index=aws sourcetype=aws:description:metadata source="us-west-2:ec2_instances
"Tags{}.Value"=prod PrivateIpAddress="10.10.*"
| spath Tags{}
| mvexpand Tags{}
| spath input=Tags{}
| table PrivateIpAddress, Key, Value
| where Key="Name"
| fields - Key