How to restart the Website Monitoring app without restarting Splunk?
I installed the app on a Splunk search head.
The python script runs since the restart of the Splunk instance as a subprocess
splunkd -p 8089 restart
\_ [splunkd pid=54397] splunkd -p 8089 restart [process-runner]
\_ mongod --dbpath=......./mongo --port=8191 --timeStampFormat=is
\_ /opt/kfw/splunk/bin/python -O ....splunk/lib/python2.7/site-packages/splunk/appserver/mr
\_...../splunk/bin/splunkd instrument-resource-usage -p 8089
\_ python ..../splunk/etc/apps/website_monitoring/bin/
The script does not change his work past I changed the configuration in web.conf
My question: How can I restart the script?
A: kill -1 PID destoroyed the process.
Hi thomas.unger_extern,
while in the Website Availability Check App goto Settings - Data inputs » Website Availability Check
and enable
or disable
any input listed there. This will restart the
script which you can see in the _internal
index of Splunk:
10-30-2015 15:02:41.984 +1300 INFO ExecProcessor - New scheduled exec process: python /opt/splunk/etc/apps/website_monitoring/bin/
10-30-2015 15:02:41.983 +1300 INFO ExecProcessor - Removing status item "/opt/splunk/etc/apps/website_monitoring/bin/ (isModInput=yes)
You can also check the process on the OS level before the data inputs change it was:
MuS 3990 3989 0 14:34 ? 00:00:02 python /opt/splunk/etc/apps/website_monitoring/bin/
after the change it is:
MuS 10835 10834 4 15:02 ? 00:00:00 python /opt/splunk/etc/apps/website_monitoring/bin/
Hope this helps ...
cheers, MuS
Ok, thank you for this hint.
But I can't reproduce this.
If I disable and reenable a Data Input in "Web available Check" I got.
Error occurred attempting to enable our service .
In OS the ps -... out told me the the old date to.,
It look's that the modular input are not correctly installed on our search head. Also the web........log are not in splunk (index _internal) it self monitored. ;-(
You get Error occurred attempting to enable our service .
.... Are you on Splunk Light?
Splunk light? No.. It's our Splunk 6.2 enterprise environment..
I've been installed the website monitor app on our search head.
It's not the index server.
But you / we are in the right direction. I think this issue is a problem between type of server, search head or index server .
I found some more things. The modular input of this app displays not the indexes wich are from the indexer provided. I can't also take the modular inputs with REST call. But the installation was successful.
I don't know where are the difference search head / Index server for this app and how I can fix it.
Maybe you have to ping @LukeMurphey for help on this topic.....