I need to install and configure Jenkins and integrate Splunk plugin into Jenkins in my local machine for non-licensed version.
I am doing research into this for my local environment.
Can you share step by step process for the above two points
Hi Vishnu, I am trying to create a POC to integrate the splunk with Jenkins, I found this link
https://wiki.jenkins.io/display/JENKINS/Splunk+Plugin+for+Jenkins and based on the document, I have gone through the steps, and downloaded the Zip file from the git repository splunk-devops-plugin-master. Followed the below steps.
Installed Java 1.8 version in 64 bit Windows Platform.
Installed Jenkins-2.190.3 in 64 bit windows Platform.
Splunk Enterprise 7.3 (Single instance deployment method).
Installed Splunk App for Jenkins 2.0.
Created HEC token in splunk.
Configured Splunk plugin for Jenkins.
Test Connection --> Splunk connection Verified.
Validating the connection checking the Splunk console and able to see the below events information when we perform "Test Connection"
10:04:25.036 PM ping from jenkins plugin raw event ping
host = xxxxx source = http:jenkins sourcetype = text:jenkins
Configured custom metadata -->
Data Source --> Build Event
Config Item --> Index
Value --> Customer_index
But when I am trying to check with Splunk APP for Jenkins, unable to see any data, so could you please guide me how /where to trouble shoot this issue.
Hi Hemnaath, this is very promising. I can get the splunk plugin installed and point to my local host splunk free version. However test connection hungs. Can you share a screen of you Jenkins configuration screen?
Check this out https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Splunk+Plugin+for+Jenkins
And on the Jenkins plugin config page, click the question mark near the "HTTP Input Port" or "HTTP Input Token", you will find more screenshots and guide