I have tried using column names such as DATE, TIMESTAMP, EVENTDATE when selecting data from an Oracle timestamp field. The search date picker just ignores my selecting Today, Last Week, etc. I know I can write custom SQL to find the correct records, but would like to leave the user the ability to select dates using date picker. Do I need a specific column name with a particular date format? There must be a way to do this. Thanks.
I don't agree that there are two types of time ranges from the time picker. Everything derives down to earliest and latest. It is really very simple. I have setup a macro that actually manages this. This allows the time picker to be transparent for the user. It only requires a small statement in the SQL like between.
| eval info_max_time=if( info_max_time="+Infinity",now(),info_max_time)
| eval olate = strftime( info_max_time, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%3N" )
| eval oearl = strftime( info_min_time, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%3N" )
| map search="dbxquery yada yada \"select \"$X$\" from $table$ where $checkvar$ between to_timestamp('$oearl$', 'YYYY-MM-DD hh24:mi:ss.ff') and to_timestamp('$olate$', 'YYYY-MM-DD hh24:mi:ss.ff') \""
| eval _time=$checkvar$
This is the jist of what goes in the macro for Oracle. The date conversions would be different for other SQL. It works very well and is transparent.
The Splunk time selector element allows users to switch from exact time representations (between then and now) and relative time representations (earlier than a week ago). Unfortunately the SQL needed to handle these two types of time is different, so customization of the form to limit available time input formats is advised.
I downvoted this post because this statement of non compatibility of time is inaccurate.
My answer below actually fixes this issue between SQL and Splunk and allow for the fixed timepicker values to be passed into a SQL query and return correct results.