The app is on splunkbase published by splunklabs/splunkworks.
Splunk Add-on for Microsoft Office 365 Reporting Web Service | Splunkbase
The app was recently updated to use Advanced auth but it requires GLOBAL READER role which is really a big deal for us, also it doesn't seem appropriate for the purpose we are using the app for(just reading web mails), is there any way we could make it work with less privilege ?
The error i receive on the HF where i have installed this app -
09-19-2022 09:20:40.397 -0500 ERROR ExecProcessor - message from "/opt/splunk/bin/python3.7 /opt/splunk/etc/apps/TA-MS_O365_Reporting/bin/" 403 Client Error: for url:$filter=StartDate%20eq%20datetime'2022-09-14T09:20:39.496008Z'%20and%20EndDate%20eq%20datetime'2022-09-14T10:20:39.496008Z
It would be really appreciated if someone can help me out with this.