Hi there!
Have you managed to solve this problem?
I also have a similar issue, is it possible to grab the JSON data from a column in your DB input?
May be this happens because Splunk IFX uses comma(,) as a default delimiter to separate and extract fields but the JSON itself contains commas(,) , therefore the default regex which is generated separates the field when it encounters the first comma(,) .
So to extract any JSON field, one has to edit the original regex and make any changes required to extract the entire JSON field instead of '[}'
Hello gsrivastava . I am seeing my fields with the JSON. Try SELECT field
and then do | table field
I am seeing {"key":"value,"key2":"value2"} etc.
Maybe you can show your SELECT with LIMIT 1 and the output you get.
I am using DB Connect 2.4.0 with JSON data. A sample might be.
I use "SELECT record['subfield1'] AS subfield1.. WHERE record['subfield'] IS NOT NULL
" to get the value.
And if subfield1 itself is JSONlike then I do something like rex field=subfield1 "\"somefield\":(?<somefieldT>.*?)[,}]
" in order to get somefield out.
Thanks @burwell for responding. But I want complete json in a field and handle that json in splunk itself.
Sample JSON array is-
With this kind of nested JSON and with multiple keys having the same name, its not possible to extract all the fields in SQL itself.