I am new to Splunk technology and I would like to learn Splunk.
I have tried to connect a Microsoft SQL server from Splunk, but I am not able to figure out the settings. I tried locally with Splunk 6.2, JRE, and JDBC drivers, but it's showing RPC service down.
Could you please help on this.
I have attached a screenshot please refer those settings.
Use DBConnect (DBX) to connect to Sql. https://splunkbase.splunk.com/app/2686/.
DBConnect will give you ability to perform near-full SQL queries to populate Splunk with assorted DB housed data.
Thanks for reply , i have already used DBConnect (DBX) to connect SQL Server but it couldn't connect.
it is saying RPC service down.
I have done the below steps for configuration (http://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/DBX/2.0.0/DeployDBX/Checklist)
1) Installed Splunk Enterprise 6.2.2 (free trail)
2) Java SE Runtime Environment (JRE) 8
3) Splunk DB Connect 2
4) JDBC driver for Microsoft SQL server
When I try configure settings it is showing RPC service down and not able to connect the database.
Could you please help on this?