Current dashboard trends color are red or green. If the trend is up then color is green otherwise it red (regardless how much % is down.)
I would like the dashboard to show a certain color depending on the percentage, not just positive and negative.
So for example,
The background color of each panel should change depending on the percentage number.
The panel background color should be red if the percentage is below -4.
The panel background color should be green if the percentage is above +4.
The panel background color should be gray if the the percentage is between -4 and +4.
I am working on using the XML configuration and have been trying to edit it with an overriding js script
Thanks in advance,
Hello @jyoung1001,
this should do it:
In this example, the backgrond color changes depending on the content of the <option name="rangeValues">
These corresponding colors are configured in the <option name="rangeColors">
For more info, please check : https://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/7.1.1/Viz/SingleValueFormatting
<query>start of your search| timechart avg(somevalue) span=1m</query>
<option name="colorBy">value</option>
<option name="colorMode">block</option>
<option name="drilldown">all</option>
<option name="height">143</option>
<option name="numberPrecision">0.0</option>
<option name="rangeColors">["0x0E31EB","0x6db7c6","0xf7bc38","0xf58f39","0xd93f3c"]</option>
<option name="rangeValues">[-10,60,70,80]</option>
<option name="refresh.display">progressbar</option>
<option name="showSparkline">1</option>
<option name="showTrendIndicator">1</option>
<option name="trendColorInterpretation">inverse</option>
<option name="trendDisplayMode">absolute</option>
<option name="trendInterval">-1h</option>
<option name="underLabel">$generalSingleValueUsage$</option>
<option name="unit">%</option>
<option name="unitPosition">after</option>
<option name="useColors">1</option>
<option name="useThousandSeparators">0</option>
@jyoung1001, Which visualization is this for? Are you using Chart, Single Value, Status Indicator, Table or something else? Which version of Splunk are you on? Please add more details on expected output (mock screenshot/sample data and fields etc). Also what you have tried so far?
I am using the Single Value visualization and Splunk enterprise v. 6.3.4.
I have some screenshots of what I'm trying to do, but I don't have enough karma to post them.
Basically, i just want to set the limits for when the colors change in the panels. So instead of it just being positive and negative trends, with 0 being grey. I want above 4 green, below -4 red, and between -4 & 4 as gray.
Did that clear things up?