DSDL (Deeplearning toolkit) is set up and the Golden Image CPU container is started.
I ran the example "Entity Recognition and Extraction Example for Japanese using spaCy + Ginza Library" and an error occurred.
MLTKC error: /fit: ERROR: unable to initialize module. Ended with exception: No module named 'ja_ginza'
MLTKC parameters: {'params': {'algo': 'spacy_ner_ja', 'epochs': '100'}, 'args': ['text'], 'feature_variables': ['text'], 'model_name': 'spacy_ginza_entity_extraction_model', 'output_name': 'extracted', 'algo_name': 'MLTKContainer', 'mlspl_limits': {'handle_new_cat': 'default', 'max_distinct_cat_values': '100', 'max_distinct_cat_values_for_classifiers': '100', 'max_distinct_cat_values_for_scoring': '100', 'max_fit_time': '600', 'max_inputs': '100000', 'max_memory_usage_mb': '4000', 'max_model_size_mb': '30', 'max_score_time': '600', 'use_sampling': 'true'}, 'kfold_cv': None}
Does the container "Golden Image CPU" support Japanese entity extraction?
Any help would be much appreciated.Thank you!!😀