Not really a question, but wanted to pass this along, as this appears to be the only forum around for this app.
Be on the lookout when you have bandwidth monitor enabled. I forgot that I had enabled it, and when I looked at my bandwidth over the past few months, noticed a huge tick in my average bandwidth usage.
In my case, I noticed Bandwidth monitor using about 20Gb of data a day. If you look at inputs.conf, I believe it is disabled by default. In my case, I enabled it months ago and forgot about it. I just disabled it - since i don't use this function in homemonitor - and just like that, my bandwidth usage dropped by an avg of 20gb daily.
Alternatively, you can change the default interval from "1800" to something much higher. I'm assuming 1800 is in seconds, so default is every 30 minutes. Each test must process about 400Mb (though was not able to determine exact amount of usage per test), 48 times a day, which gives you close to 20Gb of bandwidth just for speedtests. Over the course of a month, that's close to 600Gb of usage. Definitely problematic if your ISP has a bandwidth cap.
Noted, thank you for bringing that up. This is the reason why I set the default to disabled so that it would not eat up bandwidth.