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Heatmap overlay for PNG file


Hey guys,

I have a bunch of x, y position data that I'm currently displaying using the custom image map visualization however I'd like to be able to add a heat map to show the most frequented areas.

The Geo Heatmap custom visualization ( came close but it needs to work for PNG files.

Is there functionality for this or is there another visualization that would do the trick?

REALLY don't want to have to dust off my javascript gloves if i don't have to 🙂

Thanks heaps for any input

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Splunk Employee
Splunk Employee

Hi @BenThwaites

I have a version of the viz that has a heatmap overlay. Give me a few days to get everything tested and uploaded to Splunkbase.


Hey @shaskell_splunk,

Not meaning to rush you but i don't suppose you would have an ETA on the update? I was wanting to use it for a Splunk demo that i have coming up in the next few days.

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Splunk Employee
Splunk Employee

@BenThwaites - I don't have an ETA since I have a ton of other competing priorities. As a stop-gap, you can use the feature/heatmap branch from the GitHub page. That should get you through your demo until I get a more polished and tested version of the feature released to Splunkbase.

0 Karma


Thanks for that @shaskell_splunk
I Didn't even think to check your features on github (silly me!). Got it working though and it looks great.

You may be aware of this already but the heat object only gets 100 data points (Didn't have the time to figure out why). But i found in the visualization.js file commenting out this.heat.addLatLng(c); on line 631 and adding this.heat.addLatLng(coordinates); on line 564 seemed to do the trick, at least enough for the demo.

Thanks heaps.

0 Karma


You're a bloody legend mate!

Thanks heaps, looking forward to playing with it.

0 Karma
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