We are continually seeing an error - "ImportError: No Module named site". No tests seem to execute.
Here are the contents of our .bat file to launch our .py script:
@echo off
set PYTHONPATH="C:\Python 3.7"
set LD_LIBRARY_PATH="C:\Python 3.7\Lib"
set CLASSPATH="C:\Python 3.7\Scripts\Splunk Scripts\selenium-2.43.1\selenium-server-standalone-.jar"
set SELENIUM_SERVER_JAR="C:\Python 3.7\Scripts\Splunk Scripts\selenium-2.43.1\selenium-server-standalone-.jar"
python "D:\Program Files\Splunk\etc\apps\splunk-app-synthetic\bin\SFIALoginProd_p7.py"
I could not find a windows example of the bin file referenced in the instructions: