We have followed steps to configure GSuite Input Add-on. The authorize portion of the setup works just fine, but the only data indexed are error messages that say "Expected string or buffer" on line 101 of the ga.py script. Not sure how to troubleshoot past this point as I'm not much of a developer and do not know what that error message means.
I have to eat my words
disabled = false
domain = dev-company.com
extraconfig = {}
index = gsuite_glbl
interval = 3600
servicename = report:token
Once I changed domain to domain = dev.company.com I got it working
So to answer my own question: I have token working!
Still seeing this with 1.2.3 I think there's a bug here. Anyone able to see token logs with the latest code?
email me with better specifics. version 1.2.3 doesn't have that line at 101..... or find me on slack.
Line 101 of version 1.2.1 deals with the encrypted credential store. I will make logging better around that section, but if it didn't find a string, it is most likely a None
type, which means your credentials didn't save correctly. Delete any google credentials from the store, and re-authorize.
Bump. Anyone with an idea?
Hi bcyates. Did you find the solution for this issue yet? Even we are facing the same. Please share if this issue was solved. It would be very helpful.
Hi! App author here. What version of GSuite?
Hi! version = 1.2.1of IA-GSuiteforSplunk on a Heavy Forwarder, version 7.0.4
Find me tomorrow on Slack. I think you are second on that error, so want some additional info.
splk.it/slack Thanks!
I've submitted my info. Just waiting for an approval I supppose