I'm getting the following error on the Group Policy Changes: I think the issue is related to the search "search eventtype=msad-ad-access Object_Type=groupPolicyContainer | eval adminuser=src_nt_domain."\".src_user | eval Object_Name=replace(Object_Name,"}CN","},CN") | ldapfetch dn=Object_Name attrs=displayName | lookup tSessions local=true session_id OUTPUTNEW login_username,login_domain,login_host | fields *"
In testing "dn=Object_Name" should actually be "dn=$Object_Name$". How can have changes made to the app?
External search command 'ldapfetch' returned error code 1. First 1000 (of 2565) bytes of script output: "Access_Mask,mv_Access_Mask,Accesses,mv_Accesses,Account_Domain,mv_Account_Domain,Account_Name,mv_Account_Name,Caller_Domain,__mv_Caller_Domain,C
Known issue. Wait for Windows infrastructure, upgrade to 6.0 universal forwarder, then install Windows infrastructure.
Issue is fixed in Windows Infra v1.0.2. Will not be fixing this issue in AD app.
Does this still stand for the current version of the SA-ldapsearch?
Known issue. Wait for Windows infrastructure, upgrade to 6.0 universal forwarder, then install Windows infrastructure.
Thanks for reporting this issue. I've logged an internal issue and will schedule for fix in next version.
Did you guys release a Version that fixes the issue ?