I am using the Storage Password mechanism to store important keys and passwords used in App. password.conf file generated properly from sdk.
While decrypting passwords to use in the app, not getting a clear_password by the Splunk Storage Password mechanism, Just getting an error clear_password
Piece of code which is not working is given below, using app on 8.0.8 version of Splunk Enterprise:
def get_passwords(app):
'''Retrieve the user's API keys from Storage/Passwords'''
pwd_dict = {}
sessionKey = sys.stdin.readline().strip()
# list all credentials
entities = entity.getEntities(['storage', 'passwords'], namespace=app,
owner='nobody', sessionKey=sessionKey)
# # return set of credentials
for i, c in entities.items():
pwd_dict[c['username']] = c['clear_password']
except Exception as e:
#Here got Exception clear_password
raise Exception("Could not get %s passwords from storage. Error: %s" % (app, str(e)))
return pwd_dict
Any suggestions