I want to generate multiple output files with defined size using the "fileMaxBytes" and "fileBackupFiles" parameters but these parameters are not working for me. Please suggest.
Here is the configuration file that I have developed:
generatorWorkers = 10
threading = process
#threading = thread
sampleDir = /root/ashish/cybersecurity/splunk_eventgen/eventgen/lanl_datagen
sampletype = csv
hourOfDayRate = { "0": 0.30, "1": 0.10, "2": 0.05, "3": 0.10, "4": 0.15, "5": 0.25, "6": 0.35, "7": 0.50, "8": 0.60, "9": 0.65, "10": 0.70, "11": 0.75, "12": 0.77, "13": 0.80, "14": 0.82, "15": 0.85, "16": 0.87, "17": 0.90, "18": 0.95, "19": 1.0, "20": 0.85, "21": 0.70, "22": 0.60, "23": 0.45 }
dayOfWeekRate = { "0": 0.55, "1": 0.97, "2": 0.95, "3": 0.90, "4": 0.97, "5": 1.0, "6": 0.99 }
randomizeCount = 0.2
interval = 3
#earliest = -1s
#latest = now
outputMode = file
fileName = /nvme_data5/Event1V.log
fileMaxBytes = 10485760
fileBackupFiles = 5
count = 1000
token.0.token = \d{2}/\d{2}/\d{4} \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2},
token.0.replacementType = timestamp
token.0.replacement = %m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S,
token.1.token = (12345)
token.1.replacementType = integerid
token.1.replacement = 1000
token.2.token = (4688)
token.2.replacementType = file
token.2.replacement = /root/ashish/cybersecurity/splunk_eventgen/eventgen/lanl_datagen/eventId.sample