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Errors in eStreamer encore logs

Path Finder

I am trying to configure eStreamer add-on. I see the following errors in the log

ERROR IOError: \nTraceback (most recent call last):\n File "./estreamer/", line 180, in main\n self.start( reprocessPkcs12 = args.pkcs12 )\n File "./estreamer/", line 140, in start\n pidFile.create()\n File "/opt/splunk/etc/apps/TA-eStreamer/bin/encore/estreamer/", line 40, in create\n with open( self.filepath, 'w' ) as pidFile:\nIOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/opt/splunk/etc/apps/TA-eStreamer/bin/encore/https:/'\n

The scripts and directories inputs are all enabled. Index is properly configured and also the connectivity works fine.
Any recommendations will be really helpful.

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New Member

Hi -- I just had this error as well. In the hostname field in the Setup page, don't add https://. Just put in the IP address or FQDN/hostname. That fixed it for me.

0 Karma
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