When trying to install this from my Splunk Enterprise (In my Windows10 client) I'm getting:
Unable to initialize modular input "oci_logging" defined in the app "TA-oci-logging-addon": Introspecting scheme=oci_logging: script running failed (exited with code 1)..
Currently, the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) Logging Addon needs to be installed on a Linux-based instance, a Windows client will result in the schema error.
Can you please add which version of the addon you're running?
From here: https://splunkbase.splunk.com/app/5222
Do you get it right after installing the addon or after you configure it? You should check _internal index for details but I suspect it might be one of those badly written addons which comes with inputs enabled by default so it's trying to run the input with no configuration and fails.
Thank you for you response,
I'm getting this error right after the installation is finished. I do see the Addon in the apps list but I can't see it in the Data Inputs section.
By the way, the installation took some time so I had to increase the splunkdConnectionTimeout in web.conf (It is also mentioned under the troubleshooting tab of the Addon)