I'm trying to use Splunk For Nagios to pull data through the MK livestatus configuration in Check_MK. Does Splunk for Nagios support Check_MK server? Do I still need to configure a universal forwarder (as described in Nagios Configuration (Required) section of the documentation) to pull data from Check_MK on the Check_MK server even though I'm trying to use MK Livestatus? I've successfully completed all the steps under MK Livestatus Integration in the documentation for Splunk For Nagios app, but I'm still unable to pull data into Splunk.
I just recently installed the Nagios App to see what I could do with our check_mk multisite data. I've got it working - some of the dashboards don't work quite right, but the data is there. Here's what I did.
Some of the dashboards work just fine, mostly ignoring the OMD site separation between hosts. I'm much more of a data user than a dashboard user, though. Now I can do things like count the number of distinct hosts down per OMD site. One of those visualizations that provides joy, immediately followed by regret.
index = nagios
sourcetype = nagios
index = nagios
sourcetype = nagioshostperf
index = nagios
sourcetype = nagiosserviceperf
REPORT-extract_nagios_omdsite = nagios_omdsite
EXTRACT-nagios_event = ^[^ \n]* (?P\w+\s+\w+)
REPORT-extract_nagios_omdsite = nagios_omdsite
EXTRACT-nagios_event = ^[^ \n]* (?P\w+\s+\w+)
REPORT-extract_nagios_omdsite = nagios_omdsite
EXTRACT-nagios_event = ^[^ \n]* (?P\w+\s+\w+)
REGEX = \/opt\/omd\/sites\/(?\w+)\/
SOURCE_KEY = source