I want to use the following Splunk apps in the production environment.
Can anyone please let me know do I need to buy the licenses for each one of them? Will it not be covered in the Splunk Enterprise license which I will be buying in some days?
Swift reply would be much appreciated.
None of those apps have any separate licensing, they are free. The Hunk App for Hbase requires Hunk, which is a separate license from Splunk Enterprise. The apps also might have impact on the amount of data you index in Splunk Enterprise, so you will want to account for that in your purchase.
Your sales rep will have the correct information for your business and your location. Also, sales reps love to hear from customers. Make his or her day and call!
To expand upon ChrisG's answer, Splunk's base license is based on the volume of data indexed on a per Day basis. In addition to this, there are add on Premium Apps which have an additional cost factor. These include ITSI, Enterprise Security, VMWare, Hunk etc. You would need to reach out to sales and discuss your use case and data source volumes for them to help correctly size a license and pricing model for you.
I understand your point. I have an understanding that Hunk & Hunk App for Hbase are two different thing. Hunk App for Hbase is free to use but Hunk has paid license. Please correct my understand.
That is correct.
None of those apps have any separate licensing, they are free. The Hunk App for Hbase requires Hunk, which is a separate license from Splunk Enterprise. The apps also might have impact on the amount of data you index in Splunk Enterprise, so you will want to account for that in your purchase.
Thanks for the reply.
Till now in my POC, I have used free version of Splunk (500mb limit).
Does it have Hunk installed in it as I used Hunk app for Hbase for Hbase data indexing?