I'm trying to use DBX (v3.3) to execute a stored procedure in one of our application databases. Not sure if I have a syntax problem here or not. The database is MS SQL and I can use DBX to execute queries against it so I know the connection is good.
The stored proc uses the following parameters:
@_StartTime (datetime, Input, No default)
@_EndTime (datetime, Input, No default)
@_Pool (nvarchar(256), Input, No default)
@_Interval (int, Input, No default)
@_WindowSize (int, Input, No default)
In SQL Management Studio I can execute the following and get results (2 lines)
EXEC [LcsCDR].[dbo].[CdrRegistrationSummary] @_StartTime = '20200615', @_EndTime = '20200616', @_Pool = null, @_Interval = 1440, @_WindowSize = 0;
In Splunk using the following search returns no errors; no results.
| dbxquery procedure="{call LcsCDR.[dbo].[CdrRegistrationSummary](?, ?, ?, ?, ?)}" connection="SkypeBackEndSQL" params="2020-06-15,2020-06-16,null,1440,0"