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DB Connect with FireBird SQL


Hello every one!

1)I downloaded the Driver to driver folder in DB connect.
2)I add stanza to db_connect_type in default folder like this
displayName = Firebird SQL
jdbcDriverClass = org.firebirdsql.jdbc.FBDriver
jdbcUrlFormat = jdbc:firebirdsql://:/?encoding=NONE&charSet=ISO-8859-1
jdbcUrlSSLFormat = jdbc:firebirdsql://:/?encoding=NONE&charSet=ISO-8859-1
port = 3050
database = master

3) After saving the connection, I get this type of error
alt text

0 Karma


Hello @Shyngys_Bolatbekov

Try this:
displayName = Firebird
jdbcDriverClass = org.firebirdsql.jdbc.FBDriver
defaultPort = 3050
connectionUrlFormat = jdbc:firebirdsql://{0}:{1}/{2}
testQuery = SELECT 1 AS test

Let me know if it works

0 Karma


no it doesnt help me , i change a lot of configuration and now i have other error
java.lang.NullPointerException: null value in entry: db_catalog_separator=null

0 Karma
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