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DB Connect (latest as of 8/8) connecting to mircosoft sql server

New Member

I am trying to connect a sql server database to Splunk. I keep getting the error: "Error in 'dbxquery' command: Could not find file: 'java.path'." I have a Java folder in C:\Program Files\Java where I have a jre1.8.0 file and a sqljdbc_4.2 file. In Configurations/Settings/General the JRE path is C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_221 and task server port is 9998.
I have:
- installed the sql server generic driver and the jTDS driver
- put the sqljdbc_auth.dll file in my windows/system32 folder
- put jtds jar file and sqljdbc42 jar file in C:\Program Files\Splunk\etc\apps\splunk_app_db_connect\drivers.

I have a valid connection set up with the correct identity for my database. I've gone through the documentations many times and the trouble shooting techniques but I'm not sure how to fix this error. I'm also using trial mode so I'm not sure if that makes a difference

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When you install DB connect for Splunk , you need first to install and setup the JDBC (Java Database Connectivity database) driver.
You need to configure the driver and java into the UI of DB connect on your Splunk instance. In my cases i always use the driver JTDS with windows authentication the other one doesn't work (dont know why) try different drivers maybe.

Check this:

Hope it helps


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