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DB Connect 2 and Firebird SQL


We wish to connect db connect 2 to a Firebird SQL Server

so far i tried

displayName = Firebird SQL
serviceClass = com.splunk.dbx2.DefaultDBX2JDBC
jdbcDriverClass = org.firebirdsql.jdbc.FBDriver
supportedVersions = 4.0
jdbcUrlFormat = jdbc:firebirdsql://<host>:<port>/<database>?encoding=NONE&charSet=ISO-8859-1
jdbcUrlSSLFormat = jdbc:firebirdsql://<host>:<port>/<database>?encoding=NONE&charSet=ISO-8859-1
port = 3050
database = master

I do have some success but i do get

java.lang.NullPointerException: null value in entry: db_catalog_separator=null

Anyone did this before successfully


No we had to pay Splunk PS to create a specific version of DB Connect for us, which means we are now restricted to Splunk 3.1.1

0 Karma


did you succeed with the firebird connection?

0 Karma


We did eventually but we had to pay Splunk PS to edit the source code and create a specific version just for us so we are now stuck on DB Connect 3.1.1 with no support. If we want to upgrade DB Connect, I suspect we will need to pay again to get the code updated.

0 Karma


I have just revisited this and get same error message. I then tried to use Data Lab - SQL Explorer and get 'Invalid database connection' when I select DB. I then ran Open In Search - and I got results back. So for me now looks clearly like a bug in DB Connect as running

| dbxquery query="select count(*) from LOG;" connection="TEST" - works from the Search Bar - but the DB Connect UI throws errors all the time when trying to use it

0 Karma


Yeah works but is no 100% clean. Still i can work on the usecase for now. Thanks!

0 Karma


I wonder if caused by this and the splunk code can not handle a null getting returned?

I now need to see if I can hand craft a set of configs that work, would have preferred GUI

0 Karma
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