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DB Connect 2 & Splunk Add-on for McAfee: Connection is successful, but why is data not being updated in the index?


I'm using the Splunk Add-on for McAfee and Splunk DB Connect 2 (all latest versions) on Splunk 6.2.3. When I configure the DB input etc via documentation, it connects to the DB and pulls 10K rows and displays it in the index (index=epo). Configure it to tail and rising column based on AutoID with the cron schedule expression * * * * *, always pull. Also tried */5 * * * * for every 5 mins and 30, every 30 seconds, but the index never updates.

DB connection transactions ARE occurring however. Any feedback appreciated.

It ONLY pulls + updates the index if I make changes and re-save the DB input configuration under DB-connect app - Operations.

See below the excerpt from splunk_db_app/local/inputs.conf.

connection = EPO
index = epo
interval = 30
max_rows = 10000
mode = tail
output.format = kv
output.timestamp = 1
output.timestamp.column = timestamp
output.timestamp.format = yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss
output.timestamp.parse.format = MMM dd yyyy HH:mmaa
query = SELECT TOP 10000 CAST([EPOEvents].[ReceivedUTC] as varchar) as [timestamp], [EPOEvents].[AutoID], [EPOEvents].[ThreatName] as [signature], [EPOEvents].[ThreatType] as [threat_type], [EPOEvents].[ThreatEventID] as [signature_id], [EPOEvents].[ThreatCategory] as [category], [EPOEvents].[ThreatSeverity] as [severity_id], [EPOEventFilterDesc].[Name] as [event_description], CAST([EPOEvents].[DetectedUTC] as varchar) as [detected_timestamp], [EPOEvents].[TargetFileName] as [file_name], [EPOEvents].[AnalyzerDetectionMethod] as [detection_method], [EPOEvents].[ThreatActionTaken] as [action], [EPOEvents].[ThreatHandled] as [threat_handled], [EPOEvents].[TargetUserName] as [logon_user], [EPOComputerProperties].[UserName] as [user], [EPOComputerProperties].[DomainName] as [dest_nt_domain], [EPOEvents].[TargetHostName] as [dest_dns], [EPOEvents].[TargetHostName] as [dest_nt_host], [EPOComputerProperties].[IPHostName] as [fqdn], [dest_ip] = ( convert(varchar(3),convert(tinyint,substring(convert(varbinary(4),convert(bigint,([EPOComputerProperties].[IPV4x] + 2147483648))),1,1)))+'.'+convert(varchar(3),convert(tinyint,substring(convert(varbinary(4),convert(bigint,([EPOComputerProperties].[IPV4x] + 2147483648))),2,1)))+'.'+convert(varchar(3),convert(tinyint,substring(convert(varbinary(4),convert(bigint,([EPOComputerProperties].[IPV4x] + 2147483648))),3,1)))+'.'+convert(varchar(3),convert(tinyint,substring(convert(varbinary(4),convert(bigint,([EPOComputerProperties].[IPV4x] + 2147483648))),4,1))) ), [EPOComputerProperties].[SubnetMask] as [dest_netmask], [EPOComputerProperties].[NetAddress] as [dest_mac], [EPOComputerProperties].[OSType] as [os], [EPOComputerProperties].[OSServicePackVer] as [sp], [EPOComputerProperties].[OSVersion] as [os_version], [EPOComputerProperties].[OSBuildNum] as [os_build], [EPOComputerProperties].[TimeZone] as [timezone], [EPOEvents].[SourceHostName] as [src_dns], [src_ip] = ( convert(varchar(3),convert(tinyint,substring(convert(varbinary(4),convert(bigint,([EPOEvents].[SourceIPV4] + 2147483648))),1,1)))+'.'+convert(varchar(3),convert(tinyint,substring(convert(varbinary(4),convert(bigint,([EPOEvents].[SourceIPV4] + 2147483648))),2,1)))+'.'+convert(varchar(3),convert(tinyint,substring(convert(varbinary(4),convert(bigint,([EPOEvents].[SourceIPV4] + 2147483648))),3,1)))+'.'+convert(varchar(3),convert(tinyint,substring(convert(varbinary(4),convert(bigint,([EPOEvents].[SourceIPV4] + 2147483648))),4,1))) ), [EPOEvents].[SourceMAC] as [src_mac], [EPOEvents].[SourceProcessName] as [process], [EPOEvents].[SourceURL] as [url], [EPOEvents].[SourceUserName] as [source_logon_user], [EPOComputerProperties].[IsPortable] as [is_laptop], [EPOEvents].[AnalyzerName] as [product], [EPOEvents].[AnalyzerVersion] as [product_version], [EPOEvents].[AnalyzerEngineVersion] as [engine_version], [EPOEvents].[AnalyzerEngineVersion] as [dat_version], [EPOProdPropsView_VIRUSCAN].[datver] as [vse_dat_version], [EPOProdPropsView_VIRUSCAN].[enginever64] as [vse_engine64_version], [EPOProdPropsView_VIRUSCAN].[enginever] as [vse_engine_version], [EPOProdPropsView_VIRUSCAN].[hotfix] as [vse_hotfix], [EPOProdPropsView_VIRUSCAN].[productversion] as [vse_product_version], [EPOProdPropsView_VIRUSCAN].[servicepack] as [vse_sp] FROM [EPOEvents] left join [EPOLeafNode] on [EPOEvents].[AgentGUID] = [EPOLeafNode].[AgentGUID] left join [EPOProdPropsView_VIRUSCAN] on [EPOLeafNode].[AutoID] = [EPOProdPropsView_VIRUSCAN].[LeafNodeID] left join [EPOComputerProperties] on [EPOLeafNode].[AutoID] = [EPOComputerProperties].[ParentID] left join [EPOEventFilterDesc] on [EPOEvents].[ThreatEventID] = [EPOEventFilterDesc].[EventId] and (EPOEventFilterDesc.Language='0409') WHERE [EPOEvents].[AutoID] > 0
source = dbx
sourcetype = mcafee:epo
tail_follow_only = 1
tail_rising_column_name = AutoID
tail_rising_column_number = 2
ui_query_catalog = ePO4_NAFEPNCSAV
ui_query_mode = advanced
ui_query_schema = dbo
tail_rising_column_checkpoint_value = 46533223
input_timestamp_column_name =
input_timestamp_column_number =
output_timestamp_format = YYYY-MM-dd HH:mm:ss
1 Solution


Removing the "TOP 10000" from the search fixed it. Not sure why, but real time 24/7 polling works now. There was another Answer that had this one as well.. but to confirm, this works.

View solution in original post


Removing the "TOP 10000" from the search fixed it. Not sure why, but real time 24/7 polling works now. There was another Answer that had this one as well.. but to confirm, this works.

Path Finder

Just ran into the same issue using the provided TA inputs template for EPOv5, removing TOP from inputs fixed it, thanks.

0 Karma


this works like a champ! thanks!

0 Karma
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