I have a dashboard that contains a Clustered Single Value Map Visualization with markers on it. It works fine when there are results for the query, but get "Error rendering Clustered Single Value Map Visualization visualization: Incorrect Fields Detected - latitude & longitude fields required" when there are no results.
Instead I would like just a map with no markers on it instead of this error. Is this possible?
This is a Custom visualization, so the Viz Owner (splunk labs) would have to program the viz to make that happen.
This is a Custom visualization, so the Viz Owner (splunk labs) would have to program the viz to make that happen.
Since this seems to be the case, I wanted to share what I found to get around the issue in case others have the same issue. I added
| appendpipe [stats count| eval latitude=0 |eval longitude=0 | eval title="No Results" | eval description="There were no results found with your search criteria." | where count==0 |table latitude, longitude, title, description]
This makes a single marker so that the map still shows up, and the marker will display the description when clicked on.