I'm trying to configure the Duo Splunk Connector on a Splunk heavy forwarder to leverage the web proxy configuration I have in Splunk's server.conf. This configuration works for all Splunk web communication, but doesn't seem to apply for the Duo inputs.
Did you ever figure out a work around for this? I am facing the same issue right now.
Never did. Not sure the add-on supports it.
This is a very "hacky" way but it works. I.e. fixing the app is beyond my scope of capabilities. Any updates to the app will almost certainly wipeout these modifications.
The Add-On uses the python module "duo_client" to make its api calls to DUO. I am modifying the duo_input.py file with an addition line of code in two if its functions. The file is located here:
Look for #Added the below line for the additional code in each code snippet.
Replace "proxyaddr" and "proxyport" with your proxy details.
First function: validate_arguments
def validate_arguments(ikey, skey, host, interval, offset_seconds=-140):
Ensures that the provided credentials have access to different log types
Also check that the interval is >= 120 seconds to avoid rate limiting.
logger = logging.getLogger()
if interval < 120:
logger.error("User entered an interval under 120 seconds")
print_error('The interval needs to be greater than or equal to 120 '
raise ValueError("User entered an interval under 120 seconds")
admin = duo_client.admin.Admin(
#Added the below line
admin.set_proxy("proxyaddr", "proxyport")
current_unix_ts = int(utils.get_time())
Second Function: run_script
def run_script():
"""Method will instantiate a duo_client.Admin object with the configured
ikey/skey/api_host. In addition, it will call each log collector class to
poll the Duo adminapi for JSON encoded data that gets written to stdout.
config = get_config()
admin_api = duo_client.Admin(
#Added the below line
admin_api.set_proxy("proxyaddr", "proxyport")
logclasses = (
Hopefully the app is updated to include configuring a proxy via the UI.
For anyone reading this, these functions are
You can't fill in your variables in the first section and paste it in the second.
We added proxy support as well has adding the proxy server/port in the web configurator.
I tried to get this merged into the base splunk connector app but after dealing with support and account managers at cisco and getting nowhere I decided to make a diff/patch and instructions, these are as follows..
# Obtain duo_splunkapp_1.1.9.spl
wget https://dl.duosecurity.com/duo_splunkapp_1.1.9.spl
# Rename
mv duo_splunkapp_1.1.9.spl duo_splunkapp_1.1.9.tgz
# Obtain patch
wget https://www.focb.co.nz/duo_splunk/README
wget https://www.focb.co.nz/duo_splunk/duo_splunkapp_1.1.9_proxy.patch
# Unzip splunkapp
tar -zxvf duo_splunkapp_1.1.9.tgz
# Patch
patch -p0 < duo_splunkapp_proxy.patch
# Rezip
tar -zcvf duo_splunkapp_1.1.9_proxy.tgz duo_splunkapp
# Rename
mv duo_splunkapp_1.1.9_proxy.tgz duo_splunkapp_1.1.9_proxy.spl
# Additional reading
Install Instructions: https://duo.com/docs/splunkapp#install-duo-splunk-connector
Splunkbase App: https://splunkbase.splunk.com/app/3504
The thread at https://community.splunk.com/t5/All-Apps-and-Add-ons/Can-you-configure-the-Duo-Splunk-Connector-to-use-a-web-proxy/m-p/486022
The guys at Shelde: https://au.linkedin.com/company/wiproshelde
Cisco and Duo support for rejecting my attempts at getting this to be merged into teh splunk connector base code.
The patch actually had a different name on my webserver, I've fixed that now, sorry 😞
Also, for the latest (as of sept) splunk app, the update functions and changes are the same if you want to add "fixed/static" proxy entries. I'm currently testing to make sure is actually correct but I'm hopeful 🙂
In the function validate_arguments
def validate_arguments(ikey: str, skey: str, host: str, interval: int, offset_seconds: int=-140):
Ensures that the provided credentials have access to different log types
Also check that the interval is >= 120 seconds to avoid rate limiting.
:param ikey: Integration key of Admin Panel API
:param skey: Secret key of Admin Panel API
:param host: Host of Admin Panel API
:param interval: How often Splunk runs this input script, in seconds.
:param offset_seconds: Number of seconds to subtract from current time, for the validation
if interval < 120:
LOGGER.error("The interval must be greater than or equal to 120 seconds")
print_error('The interval must be greater than or equal to 120 seconds')
raise ValueError("The interval must be greater than or equal to 120 seconds")
admin = duo_client.admin.Admin(ikey=ikey, skey=skey, host=host)
if host == LOCAL_API_HOST:
admin.ca_certs = "DISABLE"
# Update the bellow to set a fixed proxy server
current_unix_ts = int(time.time())
and then in the function run_script a little further down
def run_script():
Method will instantiate a duo_client.Admin object with the configured
ikey/skey/api_host. In addition, it will call each log collector class to
poll the Duo adminapi for JSON encoded data that gets written to stdout.
LOGGER.info("Getting input configuration.")
config, splunk_session_key = get_config()
LOGGER.info("Configuration processing completed. Setting LOGGER level for %s to %s",
config['name'], config['logging_level'])
splunk_session_args = {
'token': splunk_session_key,
'user': 'nobody',
'app': 'duo_splunkapp'
local_mode: bool = config['api_host'] == LOCAL_API_HOST
admin_api = duo_client.Admin(
ca_certs="DISABLE" if local_mode else None,
# Update the bellow to set a fixed proxy server
Once this is done I will attempt to make a patch file that allows you to specify a proxy server and port via the UI. Hopefully this is enough to get anyone rolling with the new version.