I want to collect Event Hub data from Azure and I think using the Azure Monitor Add-on would be the best way to do it. There is some pretty good documentation, including a Wiki, on how to install and ocnfigure this add-on. However, nowhere does it say where this add-on should be installed.
Does it get installed on the searchhead, heavy forwarder, indexers, or all of the above? Python and Node.js also need to be installed. Do they get installed on the same instances?
Definitely the heavy forwarder, from my experience anyway.
This might be helpful for anyone visiting; I have started working on an addon for Azure Event Hubs for Splunk, feel free to use it!
Heavy forwarder need to be install on azure vm to collect data.
The add-on can run on a single search head, heavy forwarder, or indexer. I usually recommend a heavy forwarder though. In the Wiki, there are instructions for downloading the Python and Node.js dependencies. The instructions step you through moving the dependencies into the add-on's bin and bin/app directories as needed. Microsoft will not redistribute 3rd party software, so this extra step is necessary to download the dependencies yourself and moving them into the add-on.
The problem right now is that there is NO SPL file in the git hub repository.
The app should install to TA_Azure_Monitor, but without the package, the GIT can be downloaded as a Zip