I'm trying to add a new Firebird database connection through DB Connnect app.
I followed the best practice indicated by splunk db connect:
copied and paste D:\Splunk\etc\apps\dbx\local\database_types.conf
and added new stanza:
displayName = Firebird
jdbcDriverClass = org.firebirdsql.jdbc.FBDriver
defaultPort = 3050
connectionUrlFormat = jdbc:firebirdsql://{0}:{1}/{2}
testQuery = SELECT 1 AS test
after the restart of splunk, I don't found the new database type when I'm going to add a new one connection.
It seems that splunk is ignoring the new type, or isn't understanding correctly my edit to database_types.conf
Maybe I'm missing to modify other config files?
isn't reporting any error, only INFO msgs.
I also face the same problem. Then I have change permission of this file to 775 and restart the server
Permissions? Good to know: I'll make another temptative and I'll will keep you up to date.
I had another similar problem related to the permission: javaBridge not running, than I discovered that DBX folder files were not accessible for reading to everyone user. (the splunk server is running on a win7-64 machine that was in NT Domain)
Then it is started to show. I did this for Tera data
Partially solved.
Strange: any edit to \local\database_types.conf
doesn't be read by splunk. I edited directly the \default\database_type.conf
and the new connection appeared.
Whan I'm creating the new connection with firebird jdbc driver, I get this error:
File "D:\Splunk\etc\apps\dbx\bin\spp\java\bridge.py", line 182, in executeBridgeCommand\n raise JavaBridgeError("Command %s returned status code %s" % (cmd, ret))\nJavaBridgeError: Command com.splunk.dbx.monitor.DatabaseMonitorValidator returned status code 1\n
So I decided to switch to system ODBC DSN and it worked.
Unfortunately it is a workaround, it doesn't explain if the error is a bad configuration, javaBridge-side or jaybidrd-side.
I'm still available for debugging activities and digging into this error: in case someone could drive me, please contact me.