This is the search I am trying to execute from within Splunk:
| jirarest jqlsearch "text ~ "20160721163457215194133559""
I just want to find that # in JIRA..
The result from that command is HTTP Error 400: Bad Request (Jira Exception)
If I shorten that request to (19 characters, no more)
| jirarest jqlsearch "text ~ "2016072116345721519""
It returns "No results" presumably because there aren't any. For the sake of testing.. I added the 19 character # to a jira case and re-ran the query.
It returned the appropriate single row.. the full details of the jira case with both the original and long version of the #.
So I realized that I needed to escape the inner quotes as follows.
| jirarest jqlsearch "text ~ \"20160721163457215194133559\""
This returns the appropriate results, however, it is still unclear to me why the 19 character version without escaping the quotes worked.
So I realized that I needed to escape the inner quotes as follows.
| jirarest jqlsearch "text ~ \"20160721163457215194133559\""
This returns the appropriate results, however, it is still unclear to me why the 19 character version without escaping the quotes worked.
Looks like you found the issue here pretty quickly. You should escape quotes within the query if your JQL search requires them.
Note that if your text ~ statement is only one word (not a number!, see below comment) with no spaces, you shouldn't need quotes there at all.
| jirarest jqlsearch "text ~ SOMELONGSTRING"
Should work the same. If you have spaces in the criteria, then yes, you will need the escaped quotes.
**Edited for clarity
I suspect this has something to do with the number converting to scientific notation when it is larger. If you are using alphanumeric characters it works fine.
When the number is converted to scientific notation it will contain a "+" which will confuse the API query syntax.
Note that for this search
|jirarest jqlsearch "project=foo key=bar"
gets translated as
So with the number being in scientific notation it would cause the API to see that extra "+" which would invalidate the request.
In this case the underlying python script sees the query
| jirarest jqlsearch "text ~ "20160721163457215194133559""
which gets decoded to
text ~ 20160721163457215194133559
and is most likely presented to the API as
attempting it without the quotes does not work, presumably because of the additional information you just added. The quotes forces the issue I suppose and looks for the exact string.
Yes you are correct, without the quotes it will convert it just the same. My example is poor when using a number and not a string. I've edited the answer accordingly