
search error for sendemail

New Member


I search cmd:

sourcetype="access_combined" clientip="" | sendemail to="" format=html subject=myresults

the error

Input is not proper UTF-8, indicate encoding ! Bytes: 0xB3 0x73 0xBD 0x75, line 165, column 37

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Splunk Employee
Splunk Employee

Not really sure what component is not liking its input. My first guess is the python mail sender is failing to handle the raw data being passed to it by splunk.

Does this command work with other data?

If you output that data to a csv file, is there anything strange in it?

Is there more about the error, for example an indication of what component is emitting the error, or more about how the error is presented?

Is it possible that those are "smart quotes" somehow?

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