hello everyone!
I have a program that counts the number of requests for website api per minute.the log format is as following, where field time
is the time of the statistics.
request_domain time uri min_count
www.test.com 11/Jul/2019 15:51 /api/test 19
www.test.com 11/Jul/2019 15:51 /api/exmple 208
m.test.com 11/Jul/2019 15:52 /api/search 80
www.test.com 11/Jul/2019 15:52 /api/test 31
www.test.com 11/Jul/2019 15:52 /api/exmple 253
m.test.com 11/Jul/2019 15:52 /api/search 62
I want to create an alert based on the following requirements, but I don't know how to do it.
If the number of uri requests is greater than 100 times per hour.
If the number of uri requests is less than 100 times per hour.
I think it needs to be split into at least 2 alert to achieve
all help will be greatly appreciated!
First of all, this is a prime candidate for an hourly summary index rollup so consider that (it makes the SPL easy). Short of that, try this:
index=<You should always specify an index> AND sourcetype=<And sourcetype too>
((earliest=-1d@h-1h latest=-1d@h) OR (earliest=-2h@h latest=now))
| bin span=1h _time
| stats count BY uri _time
| streamstats count AS _time BY uri
| eval _time = case(_time==1, "last_hour", _time==2, "prev_hour", _time==3, "yesterday_last_hour", true(), "ERROR")
| xyseries uri _time count
| eval growth_from_last_hour = (100 * (last_hour - prev_hour) / prev_hour)
| eval growth_from_yesterday = (100 * (last_hour - yesterday_last_hour) / yesterday_last_hour)
| where (((last_hour > 100) AND ((growth_from_last_hour > 80) OR (growth_from_yesterday > 80))) OR ((last_hour < 100) AND (growth_from_last_hour > 80)))
First of all, this is a prime candidate for an hourly summary index rollup so consider that (it makes the SPL easy). Short of that, try this:
index=<You should always specify an index> AND sourcetype=<And sourcetype too>
((earliest=-1d@h-1h latest=-1d@h) OR (earliest=-2h@h latest=now))
| bin span=1h _time
| stats count BY uri _time
| streamstats count AS _time BY uri
| eval _time = case(_time==1, "last_hour", _time==2, "prev_hour", _time==3, "yesterday_last_hour", true(), "ERROR")
| xyseries uri _time count
| eval growth_from_last_hour = (100 * (last_hour - prev_hour) / prev_hour)
| eval growth_from_yesterday = (100 * (last_hour - yesterday_last_hour) / yesterday_last_hour)
| where (((last_hour > 100) AND ((growth_from_last_hour > 80) OR (growth_from_yesterday > 80))) OR ((last_hour < 100) AND (growth_from_last_hour > 80)))
If you want to do this in one search, here is how.
1st to eval the time period that is 24hrs ago from -1h@h to @h
| eval 25hrAgo=relative_time(now(),"-25h@h")
| eval 24hrAgo=relative_time(now(),"-24h@h")
2nd to get the counts of uri requests per hour in our time frames
| stats count(eval(_time>=24hrAgo AND _time<=25hrAgo)) as yesterdayCount count(eval(_time>=relative_time(now(),"-1h@h")) AND _time<=relative_time(now(),"-0h@h")) as lastHourCount count(eval(_time>=relative_time(now(),"-2h@h")) AND _time<=relative_time(now(),"-1h@h")) as 2hrAgoCount
3rd to math if alert is needed
| eval 80percA=if((2hrAgoCount/(lastHourCount-2hrAgoCount)*100)>80,1,0)
| eval 80percB=if((yesterdayCount/(lastHourCount-yesterdayCount)*100)>80,1,0)
| eval 50percA=if((2hrAgoCount/(lastHourCount-2hrAgoCount)*100)>50,1,0)
| eval 50percB=if((yesterdayCount/(lastHourCount-yesterdayCount)*100)>50,1,0)
Now to send email based on if any of above = 1
| where 80percA=1 OR 80percB=1 OR 50percA=1 OR 50percB=1
| map search="|sendemail subject=\"$80percA$ $80percB$ $50percA$ $50percB$\" to=youremail@mail.com"
This should send you an email with subject of 1 0 0 0 for example which would mean there were more than 100 requests in the last hour and that was 80% more than the same hour 2 hours ago.
@jkat54 thank you for your reply.
When I tried to search for the first step, splunk prompted an error.
Error in 'stats' command: The eval expression for dynamic field 'eval(_time>=24hrAgo AND _time<=25hrAgo)' is invalid. Error='The operator at 'hrAgo AND _time<=25hrAgo' is invalid.'
This error may be because you are using numbers as the beginning of the field
In addition, my program is counting the number of uri requests per minute. maybe i need add |bin _time span=1h
to the search statement you provided?
Guess the stats doesn't work. With AND in the eval.. I wrote this on my phone without testing
@jkat54 How to fix this error? _time>=24hrAgo AND _time<=25hrAgo
the field _time'
with a minute (%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S) , but the 24hrAgo
and 25hrAgo
with a hour time format (%Y/%m/%d %H)