Copy the second example into a new Django view, see if it works, and when it does you adapt from there.
Am not able to find the solution from below link.can u please tell if any other possible solution is available
You should have the $
functions available after {% load splunkmvc %}
without manually requiring JQuery. Take a look at the second example on - that uses $('#elementid')
without any manual loading of JQuery.
require(["splunkjs/ready!","underscore","jquery","myAddon"], function(mvc,_, jQuery,myAddOn) {
Also, I would add this code before including your javascript file in the page
(This assumes your javascript file is in your appname/django/appname/static/appname
What error are you getting?
Make sure you have the JS Console open (F12 in many browsers).
I am not getting any error but the functions are not working.
JQuery should be a part of the web framework already.