i have a correlation search with variable that does'nt work
| stats count by host
| eval hello_world = host
when im looking in incident review, my alerte show $hello_word$ and not my values host.
Can you help me please ?
splunk ver 7.3.5
I thank you but I can not share much information because confidential.
It’s better to close the post.
Thanks for your help.
Excuse me for being upset.
Hi @gwen ,
as you like, but masking the information I don't think that you reveal your confidential information.
Anyway, good for you, see next time!
Ciao and happy splunking
P.S.: Karma Points are appreciated 😉
index=windows_srv EventCode=20005
| stats count by host
| search count >= 1
| eval server_impacted = host, tentative_number = count
| table server_impacted, tentative_number
and im using $server_impacted$ and $tentative_number$ in my correlation search.
then i see in tittle on my incident review : my message on $server_impacted$ instead my message on windowsservername
Hi @gwen ,
let me understand: what are $server_impacted$ and $tentative_number$?
are they tokens to pass in a drilldown or what else?
Hi @gwen,
sorry but I don't understand what you mean with variable.
A Correlation Search is an alert, so you canno pass a token to it.
Could you share your complete Correlation Search source code?